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Chateau Nine Peaks participates in Major Gathering of French Business Community Qingdao & Shando

Are you familiar with these logos?

Have you found the only Chinese winery here?

Yes, it’s Chateau Nine Peaks

Major Gathering of French Business Community Qingdao & Shandong,
with French Chamber of Commerce in Qingdao West Coast Area (Huangdao District) last Friday, on June 14th, 2019.

A whole day of gathering of the French Business Community in Qingdao & Shandong,
dedicated to more than 90 GMs and Representatives of French Invested Companies organized by CCI France China teams with local Representatives Olivier & Ludovic,
in Huangdao (Qingdao West Coast Area) at Hilton Golden Beach Hotel.


It is divided into 5 parts: SUNAC FILM Metropolis tour in the morning; work seminar with useful conferences,
testimonies and experience sharing in the afternoon; aperitif cocktail; a comedy show and final a friendly buffet dinner.

A tour to SUNAC FILM Metropolis in the morning

More than 90 GMs and Representatives of French Invested Companies

Cinema studio SUNAC

Qingdao Film Museum
Afternoon Work seminar around Consul General Philippe RIGHINI, with useful conferences, testimonies and experience sharing.

Qingdao Representative of CCIF China, Olivier BALEIX

Mr Philippe RIGHINI, Consul General, Ambassador of France

Mr Eric MEYER, 32 years in China: the itinerary of French author

Aperitif Cocktail with QWCA Foreign Affairs and CCPIT Huangdao Chinese companies.


Hilarious Comedy show of LI Song “Chroniques d’un debride en Chine”;

Li Song, the most French of Chinese

Happy audienc

Final friendly buffet dinner on the terraces and gardens of Hilton hotel.
As one of the sponsors of the evening reception, Chateau Nine Peaks participates in the event as the only Chinese wine brand. 

To drink high quality Chinese wines in Qingdao makes our French friends feel cordial. 

May the Sino-French friendship last forever!

Chateau Nine Peaks

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