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Chateau Nine Peaks assists the annual Tsingtao Expat Charity activities
Saturday, March 23, 2019
Shangri-La Hotel. Tsingtao, China
Chateau Nine Peaks, full of love with their own wines, fully supported the annual charity activities, 007 SKYBALL GALA, organized by Tsingtao Expat Charity.

Since its founding in 1998, Tsingtao Expat Charity has been helping the local poor children in the city of Tsingtao through various charitable activities, including targeted funding for the school-age children, helping them pay school fees, improving the school facilities in some rural areas, and offering the operation cost for the children who are in urgent need of orthodontic operation for congenital heart disease.

Around 300 warm hearted ladies and gentlemen dressed up to attend the charity event.

Two wines from Chateau Nine Peaks have been carefully selected for the gala dinner tonight.

Chateau Nine Peaks Chardonnay 2017

Chateau Nine Peaks Rose 2017

The charm of Chateau Nine Peaks attracted all the guests tonight, who stopped in front of our booth, enjoying our wines during the whole gala dinner and appreciating a lot.

At the same time, Chateau Nine Peaks also prepared for every guest a spring gift - Chateau Nine Peaks Rose wine 2017, thanks to their year-round support for the charity of Tsingtao.

Chateau Nine Peaks felt much honored to participate in the charity activities, best wishes to each warm hearted guest tonight.

Dinner video ]

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